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Get To Know Me Tag!

1. What is your middle name?: Grace 2. Share you favorite subject in high school.: I don't go to high school, I'm too young and and I'm not American, so I'll just say my favourite subject at school now. My favourite subject is photography, I really love photography. 3. What is your favorite drink? Just water, its all I like. 4. What is your favorite song at the moment?: Hometown by Luna Bay 5. What would you (or have you) name your children?: This is a hard question haha, but I would call a girl Eden and I'm not too sure about a boy. 6. Have you participated in any sports? I use to do gymnastics, but now I do horse riding, and I have been since June 3rd 2018. 7. What is your favorite book? I don't really read, but I do like the book 'Girl Online' by the YouTuber, Zoella. 8. What is your favorite color? Mustard Yellow 9. What is your favorite animal? Tortoises, as I have a pet one named Norman  10. What is your favorite perfume? S

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